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理絲室內設計|Ris Interior Design Workspace 理絲室內設計有限公司 Ris Interior Design Co., Ltd. Study/office Chipboard
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理絲室內設計|Ris Interior Design Workspace 理絲室內設計有限公司 Ris Interior Design Co., Ltd. Study/office Chipboard

我們的新辦公室是改建屋齡近50年的傳統台灣街屋。順應原屋頂的高層,立面空間爭取挑高的最大化,大面的落地窗使得辦公空間採光充足,目視高度恰好觸目的是窗外城市的綠意,引街景入室,樹梢隨風擺動的韻律豐富工作時日的心靈。 天花造型承襲了昔日三角形屋頂,內層以岩棉與矽酸鈣改善隔音狀況,外層面材採用定向纖維板(OSB板)包覆,纖維板不規則的木質肌理、呼應有機感的強弱漸變,木屑的紋理呼應落地窗外街景綠意的自然氣息、並同時達到隔熱的效果。

地坪保留了民國60年代的台式花磚,結合新的木紋與泯石子地磚維持昔日調性。刷白的牆面裸露砌磚紋理的樸實感,壁面連綿起伏之際保留昔日時光的建物靈魂,型隨機能中呈現新舊融合的均衡,不做多餘的綴飾,盡量維持原始建物自有的輪廓。 滿懷對老建物的珍惜與融合的心意。


Our new office is a revamp of 47-year-old traditional Taiwanese terraced house. Take the advantage of roof ceiling height, the work place is least constructed to win higher ceiling and save rooms. The wide floor-to-ceiling window not only allows the interior to be airy and light-filled, but also bring city panorama and street greenness into office. Treetops move with the rhythm of the wind, which enrich minds and good for contemplating.The ceiling form inherits the existing triangular roof slopes, adding insulation cotton and calcium silicate boards not only to improve sound insulation, but also to better for heat-cooling and energy-efficient. The outer layer is covered with flakeboard (OSB board), whose textural finishing of wood fibers echoes the organic ambiences. Minimalist approaches to interior construction; to keep the building importance intact as much as possible.

Authentic Taiwanese tile flooring is mostly preserved, and partially mix hexagon terrazzo with wood tiles, to give complementary touches. Unintentionally expose the brickwork texture at whitewashed walls, where the craftsmanship and cultural essence exist, to express respects and gratitude to the historic importance of this building, culminating with a well balance between ‘form follows function’ rules and contemporary fusion.  


Colour: Grey
Material: Chipboard
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