

Interior Designers In Bangalore and Construction is more than just helping clients to beautify their immediate surroundings. It’s more about helping them to bring their dreams into reality, whether it is via architecture, construction or interior design.We discovered this early, which is what led to the birth of the company called, BLUESKY CONCEPTS.The award winning company which is popularly known as BSC, began as a very modest interior design firm. Over time alongside and several completed projects later, BSC has evolved as an exclusive interior design firm and has come to be recognized as one of the most respectable firms in Bangalore.It boasts not only one of the top interior designers in Bangalore but also wanted to be a top interior designer in India.The team at BSC is made up of qualified and driven professionals, including Architects, Interior Designers and Engineers who help our clients by creating versatile body of work ranging from architecture, interior design, and landscape

560010 Bangalore


لقد قمت بزيارتهم مؤخرًا لأنني أردت تغيير التصميم الداخلي لإحدى غرفتي. إنهم واحد من الأفضل في مجالهم. لقد كانوا محترفين للغاية وكانت تجربة جيدة بشكل عام.
5 months ago
سعيد جدًا بالديكورات الداخلية - لدى السيد أناند الكثير من الأفكار والاقتراحات. سعيد للتوصية بخدماته
over 1 year ago
أحد أفضل مصممي الديكور الداخلي في بنغالور. لقد أجريت الكثير من الأبحاث لإنجاز الديكورات الداخلية لمنزلي .. أخيرًا وجدت الأفضل من حيث الجودة والجمالية والطريقة التي دعم بها الفريق طوال المشروع كانت رائعة حقًا ... شكرًا لأناند على جعل منزلنا جميلًا جدًا
over 1 year ago